Thursday, May 7, 2009


It's time again for Flashback Fridays hosted by Scary Mommy.

As I was trying to come up with my blog name, my friend (the pusher) asked me what adjectives I thought described me. The only thing that came to my mind was neurotic. I laughed. Then she laughed.........but there was no disagreement from her. So began the quest to confirm that I am neurotic - which is a little neurotic wouldn't ya say??

First I ask my husband.

Me - "Do you think I'm neurotic?"
Hubby - "Like in a sexual way?"
Me -"What?" hahaha "Not EROTIC, NEUrotic!" hahaha
Hubby - hahaha "What does neurotic mean?"
Me - "A little obsessive, know...its kinda something I just know but I really can't explain."
Hubby - "I don't know."
Me - "Nevermind. Go look it up on"

Later I called my brother.

Bro - "Hello."
Me - "Do you think I'm neurotic?"
Bro - "What does that mean?"
Me - "Go look it up on RIGHT NOW."
Bro - "I'm not home right now."
Me - I kind of growl/grunt.
Bro- "How do you spell that? Diana (the barber and yes she knows me too) is going to look it up."
Me - "N-E-U-R-O-T-I-C."
Bro - "Are you sure? We can't find it."
Me - "Nevermind. Look it up on the computer and call me later."
Bro - "OK, bye."
Me - "Bye." (with a little disgust)

Several hours go by and I call my Mom while I'm sitting at Chili's with the fam.

Mom - "Hello?"
Me - "Do you think I'm neurotic?"
Mom - "I don't know. What does it mean?
Me - "Go look it up on You have to look up neurosis because the definition of neurotic is: a characteristic of neurosis or some stupid definition like that. Are you going to look it up?"
Mom - "Well.."
Me - "What are you doing?"
Mom - "Just watching T.V."
Me - "Lean over, grab your laptop and look it up RIGHT NOW and call me back."
Mom - "OK, bye."
Me - "Bye." (with a little disgust again)

A few minutes go by and my cell phone rings.

Me - "Hey."
Mom - haha "First off I want to say that it says it is a relatively mild personality disorder." haha
Me - "What?"
Mom - "Just keep that in mind.....but yes I think your a little neurotic. And now I think your brother is and maybe even me." haha
Me - haha "That's what I thought. Bro definitely is too. Okay bye." haha
Mom - haha "Bye."

The next day my bro finally calls me back to let me know that "Yes, you are neurotic and I think I am, too." haha I tell him "That's what Mom said." haha

Finally, I received enough confirmation that I am neurotic. And I feel so much better!

Originally published May 11th, 2008.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Happy Anniversary! Not to Me......... Bahama Shores Mama!!!

One year ago today, we were graced with the Mama's blog presence!

And to celebrate she's giving away a fun, flirty summertime apron!

Now, go visit her and show her some love!

And if you win, you must promptly send the apron to me.

We'll call it a referral fee ;)

Friday, May 1, 2009


Scary Mommy is hosting a new Mr. Linky party today. The rules are simple ~ dig up an old post from when only your 2 RL friends were reading your blog but that didn't matter because you obsessively checked for comments anyway from your humble blog beginnings, grab her button and sign Mr. Linky. Plus, Scary Mommy is giving away a Zoom Photobook Kit and who doesn't love a giveaway!!

Yesterday, my oldest daughter and I were was getting ready to finish her school project and I realized I needed to run up to Office Depot for a few things. I jump in the car and back out of the driveway...........right into my son's Rodeo! Arghh! Don't worry. Nobody was hurt. His car was parked on the curb. Yeah, I know. Stop laughing!

In my defense, it usually is pulled up in the grass across the street. Not actually on the street. I totally took that for granted and was too busy watching the front end of my Durango. Hubby says I have no defense since the other car was parked. Hmph!!

Over there in that grass.

And in case your wondering, the Durango definitely won the smash up derby. The corner of my bumper is scuffed with paint and there are a few scratches. My son's door, on the other hand, is smashed in pretty good.


Yup! I'm a dork!

Originally published May 21st, 2008.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

An Oldie But A Goodie

Quite often my hubby has these moments of what I'd like to call word confusion. He either mispronounces a word or completely uses the wrong word while speaking. Let me explain.

Setting: a booth at Bennigans.

Time: prime lunch time.
Did you understand me?? 12 o'clock. On Friday.

Me - "I have such a bad headache. I hope its not a migraine."
D - "Well, have you picked up your prescription?"
Me - a little confused "Huh?"
D - "Your Valtrex. Did you go get your Valtrex?"
Me - hysterically laughing while my face turns 4 different shades of red.
D - "What is so funny?"
Me - "You dork! Its Imitrex not Valtrex. Valtrex is for herpes!!" hahaha
D - haha "Oops! Whatever its called."
Me - "Now everyone around us thinks I have herpes, you dork!" haha
D - hahaha

Now, of course, at the moment Dustin said Valtrex it got very quiet in the restaurant and I'm pretty sure the majority of the tables around us heard our conversation. Do you have someone in your life that has "word confusion"? Leave a comment and let me know.
Originally posted May 12, 2008.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I Think I've Created A Monster

I don't quite know

what has gotten into him





Dustin has started a blog!!!

Go check it out


welcome to my world!!!!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Thousand Words Thursday

Ashlyn's 1st Hunting Trip ~ January 2009.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

What do you get.....

when a 16 year old

tries to poke a knife

through a plastic water bottle???




Give up???

A trip to the emergency room,

stitches in the palm of your hand

and Keflex.

I'm just sayin'!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


At the urging of a few peeps (Bahama Shores Mama and Sista #2), I am coming out of hiding.

I've had this in my drafts for some time and as I was re-reading it, I was laughing about how dead on most of it is.

Your result for Are You a Jackie or a Marilyn? Or Someone Else? Mad Men-era Female Icon Quiz...

You Are a Bette!


You are a Bette -- "I must be strong"

Bettes are direct, self-reliant, self-confident, and protective.

How to Get Along with Me

  • * Stand up for yourself... and me. Oh yeah.

  • * Be confident, strong, and direct. Sounds good.

  • * Don't gossip about me or betray my trust. Definitely!

  • * Be vulnerable and share your feelings. See and acknowledge my tender, vulnerable side.

  • * Give me space to be alone. Totally!

  • * Acknowledge the contributions I make, but don't flatter me. Don't we all like a little flattery?

  • * I often speak in an assertive way. Don't automatically assume it's a personal attack. Ahem.

  • * When I scream, curse, and stomp around, try to remember that's just the way I am.




well maybe..........


Ok, fine!!

What I Like About Being a Bette

  • * being independent and self-reliant Yup!

  • * being able to take charge and meet challenges head on Check.

  • * being courageous, straightforward, and honest I try.

  • * getting all the enjoyment I can out of life I'm trying to learn to not sweat the small stuff.

  • * supporting, empowering, and protecting those close to me Oh, yeah!!!

  • * upholding just causes

What's Hard About Being a Bette

  • * overwhelming people with my bluntness; scaring them away when I don't intend to Am I blunt?

  • * being restless and impatient with others' incompetence So me!

  • * sticking my neck out for people and receiving no appreciation for it I HATE when that happens!

  • * never forgetting injuries or injustices Yuck!

  • * putting too much pressure on myself Hmmmm.....

  • * getting high blood pressure when people don't obey the rules or when things don't go right Totally.

Bettes as Children Often

  • * are independent; have an inner strength and a fighting spirit I can do it myself.

  • * are sometimes loners Not really.

  • * seize control so they won't be controlled Check.

  • * figure out others' weaknesses ??

  • * attack verbally or physically when provoked Next.

  • * take charge in the family because they perceive themselves as the strongest First born.

Bettes as Parents

  • * are often loyal, caring, involved, and devoted Check.

  • * are sometimes overprotective Check. Check.

  • * can be demanding, controlling, and rigid Check. Check. Check.

Take Are You a Jackie or a Marilyn? Or Someone Else? Mad Men-era Female Icon Quiz
at HelloQuizzy

Who are you??