Friday, July 11, 2008

To Be So Educated

Don't you just love going to the doctor for no reason? Yup, me too!

My daughter had a funky rash on her hands so I took her to the Dr. to figure it out. Here's how it went down.

First, we start off by sitting in the waiting room for 30 minutes. Now, we move to the exam room and wait another 30 minutes. Yippee, the doctor's here! Finally, she's looking at Ashlyn's hands. Oh wise doctor, who went to college for 8 years, what do you think it is?? No kidding, she says, I have no idea, let me go look in a book. WHAT?? Look in a book. I could've done that. I mean, I could have looked it up on the internet. We spent the next 20 minutes waiting for her to come back and all she tells me is that she still has no idea, buy some Cortisone for it and if it doesn't get better, take her to a dermatologist. Geez, thanks for wasting 2 hours of my life, taking my $20 and NOT figuring out what's wrong with my kid!


Lynda said...

That seems to be what happens to us every time we go to the doctor - they don't know and we hand them lots and lots of money - lol

Joey said...

It's hand eczema.......I'm the man.

Keeper Of All Things said...

Thanks now I don't have to take my kid about her rash!!

The Mom Jen said...

ugh...we have hives, psoriasis, and eczema in the family and only after what seems like forever and 1000's of dollars later we still just have stupid steroids for a 'cure'...such a pain, don't google it though you'll find GROSS stuff out there!

Keeper Of All Things said...

Olley Olley oxen free
Come out come out wherever you are?
Where the f--- are you?!!
Come on I know you got stories....let's hear them!!!

Heather said...

Preach on, sister. I AM following you because my child has a mystery rash on her finger and noone knows what it is. The doctor had to go look in "the book" and...yep, same thing. She had no idea what it is. Off to the dermatologist we go!

Ann(ie) said...

I seriously cannot stand this. Thanks for nothing and can I have my copay back???? ug.

j said...

I don't know what is worse...the wasted time or the wasted money. I hope the cortizone did it's job!


Amy Plumb said...

That's when you want to just get up, walk out, & not pay! What are they going to do, call the police????

I always wanted to do something like that, just to make my point known.

Anonymous said...

I seriously hate going to the doctor because more often then not this is what happens! I hope that it has cleared up with the cortizone! Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog...I'll be checking back on yours too!

Claremont First Ward said...

I LOVE appointments like that. :) Did the rash go away?

I appreciate you taking the time to visit my blog today and comment on my posts. I look forward to returning to your blog and browsing around! :)

Sue Wilkey said...

See this is why we know instinctively as moms we need to go directly to a dermatologist but has to be been seen by The All-Powerful-And-Clueless Primary Doctor first.

Anonymous said...

My husband would tell me everytime I left to go to the Dr it was a virus....that was always the diagnosis. And we ALL KNOW that you can't do much about a virus.